Graphics Shooter
This was a project where I first learned about graphics programming with C++. In this project I was able to fire projectiles that changed the textures on different objects. I was also able to create many of the cubes used in the scene through programming rather than using prefab cubes.
Slime Souls - 2019
This game is a 2D puzzle game made for mobile applications. In it you need to solve the puzzles to get out. This video shows the basics of how to progress. Such as choosing the correct lever and capturing the slime. If you get careless and choose the wrong lever it will be game over for you.
The art assets were created by my project partner Randy Cobb.
Catch Em All - 2017
A click and drag game where you need to catch all the red apples. As time progresses the apples start spawning faster and when it reaches the max speed you win. The Black apples take away your lives if you collide with them, while the blue apples give extra points.
Art assets provided by my professor Amber King.
Slime Slayer - 2018/2020
This was a small Unity project developed originally in 2018 to practice mechanics including shooting, jumping, physics and basic enemy pathing in Unity. It was updated to later include player health, random spawning, animations, scores, and better physics.
Other Projects without demos:
Hitman Prototype - The Office Assassin - 2019 -
Developed the Inventory and basic Ai pathing around an Indoor office setting.
developed approximately half of the 3D models used for the offices including: desks, chairs, computers, clocks, scissors, and more.
VR Horror game - Sunken Fears - 2018
Programmed jump scare and interactive objects
Creepy Crypt Lake - 2021
Environmental Design
Inventory Programing for keys to unlock doors
Asset Development