Finished Games
The Cure: Peculiar Pestilence - 2022
A Game Jam game completed with people from GDC. This is an April 2022 “Week Sauce” Game Jam. This game was developed using Unity and I was one of the programmers. For this game the player needs to figure out the kind of sickness a patient has and then will need to mix ingredients to make medicine to try and treat them.
Gameplay and UI Programming
Menu interactions and Ingredient chart display
Patient progression
Little Forest - 2023
A casual city builder game for the 2023 global game jam. This game is all about building a small city made out of the nutrients of the forest.
Project Lead
Lead Programmer
Gameplay & UI
Level Designer
The Locked Toybox - 2022
A puzzle horror game for the 2022 global game jam. In The Locked Toybox you search for a missing friend that went to an abandoned toy factory and you have to find a way out before you disappear as well.
3D model of the chess set
UI asset creation
UI and Audio Programing
Dreams of Hope - 2021
A 2D puzzle platformer inspired by Jump King for the 2021 Global Game Jam. In this game players need to reach the end in through several levels where one wrong step could send you back closer to the beginning. This game has a unique twist of needing to reveal hidden platforms and enemies.
Project Lead
Lead Programmer
Gameplay & UI Programming
Level Designer
2D Artist